Wednesday 28 December 2011

Deutsche Welle (Voice of Germany)

Deutsche Welle (VOG) is Germany's international broadcaster: online, on-screen and over the air . itprovides a European perspective to audiences around the world and promotes intercultural dialogue.

According to its mission, Deutsche Welle will "promote understanding of Germany as an independent nation with its roots in Europe culture and as a liberal, democratic state based the rule of law." it also meant to "provide a forum in Europe and other continents to German and other point of view on important issues, with the aim of fostering understanding and exchange between cultures and people.,"

Tuesday 20 December 2011

The Voice of America (VOA)

Voice of America (VOA) :
The Voice of America, which first went on air in 1942, is a multimedia international broadcasting service funded by U.S, Government the broadcasting Board of Governors. VOA broadcasts approximately 1,500 hours of news, information, educational, and cultural programming every week  to an estimated audience of 134 million people.

Mission : VOA missions to broadcast accurate, balanced, and comprehensive news and information to an international audience,
Facilities: VOA has 27 broadcasting studios, 33 production and recording studios, 30 professional audio mixing and dubbing stations, 4 television studios, 21 video editing suites, and facilities for master control, recording scheduling, and feed intake.

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